Our Foundress
Venerable Mother Camila de San José Rolón
The Congregation of Poor Sisters of Saint Joseph was founded in the year 1880 by Mother Camila Rolon, in Mercedes, a village near Buenos Aires, the Capital of Argentina.
Blessed be God for showing us so much Mercy!!
January 28, 1880
Camila moved out of her father’s house and, accompanied by two friends and eleven orphan girls, journeyed to the village of Mercedes to begin their divine adventure. Letting charity become the ideal of their life, they settled down in an old, poor house; however, Camila’s tremendous faith and total reliance upon Divine Providence, strengthened her to go on with the work she had envisioned for the greater part of her life.

A rich and generous gentleman, Leon Gallardo, heard about Mother Camila’s orphanage and he promised to construct a building that would serve as the Mother House for this newly emerging Congregation. This promise became a reality, in 1889, at which time the Mother House was established in Muñiz, Buenos Aires. Hundreds of children found refuge in the loving care offered by the humble Congregation and, in Camila Rolon, they embraced a second mother.
Mother Camila was destined for even greater works by God when she was inspired to establish a community of sisters to continue and expand the works of charity for love of God and for His Church. With great prudence and zeal, she directed her community for thirty three years having established thirty two houses of charity and two novitiates, throughout Argentina, Uruguay and Italy.

She died in Rome, on February 16, 1913, leaving behind a wonderful legacy of great sanctity. In 1950, her cause for beatification was introduced in Rome and, on April 2, 1993, the Magisterium of the Church, guided by His Holiness John Paul II, recognized the sanctity of Mother Camila de San José Rolón, by the Decree in which her heroic virtues were examined and she was declared “Venerable”. Today, many people have received blessings and spiritual healing through her intercession.